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Common Cannabis Questions: What Is In Weed?

Trinity February 10, 2018


In recent years, numerous states acknowledge what many of us knew before, that marijuana has a treasure trove of health benefits. What are the chemical components of this wonder drug and how does it affect our body? To answer this question, let’s first explore some things we know about pot. Humans discovered the health benefits of the plant thousands of years ago. We have been able to trace the use of to 7,000 years ago. It’s use far predates human consumption of alcohol. The plant has changed and evolved over time. We have learned how to create a multitude of different strains that affect our body and brain in profound ways. We have truly stepped forward with our scientific innovations while growing and cultivating the plant.

ancient cannabis chinese artwork

If you were to view the leaves under a microscope, you would discover a beautiful combination of texture and crystallization of the plant’s complex chemical components. It is truly an amazing site to view the colorful and vibrant beauty. At first glance, a pot plant may show hints of different color depending on the variety. But in truth, there’s so much more to this life-changing plant.

Closeup of mature cannabis indica female bud.

Pot not only can help with acute or chronic pain but improve your mental state. It can help you become more productive, battle social anxiety, increase creativity, promote physical activity, combat migraines, and ease digestive discomfort. It is sometimes used to treat and prevent eye disease, epileptic seizures, cancer from spreading, potentially kill cancer cells, and relieve pain from numerous chronic conditions.

There have been amazing results associated with tremors from Parkinson’s disease and the dramatic improvement in motor skills. People with this disease can lose their complete quality of life and instantly gain back major motor function just by simply smoking or consuming the plant.

cannabis benefits by marylyn media

You have probably heard people in the growing industry talk about three main types of weed. Sativa is a tall and thin plant. It is sometimes used to help with different types of mood or mental disorders. It has been said to elevate a person’s mood and can aid in focus. Indica is short and bushy. It sometimes creates a relaxing and calming effect, usually felt throughout the whole body. Additionally, it can help with anxiety and chronic pain.

Hybrid cannabis is what you would expect it to be, a combination of sativa and indica. Growers have had phenomenal success creating a wide array of hybrid plant types. This has resulted in different varieties that are tailor-made for specific ailments and needs. This gives growers a distinct advantage when creating a perfect strain for your particular need. Growers use science and nature in magical and awe-inspiring ways. This has been accomplished by knowing the key chemicals in the marijuana plant. Creating perfect strains takes a lot of scientific knowledge and expertise.

molecular formula of cannabis

So, what is in weed? Let’s start with the most commonly known chemical component, Tetrahydrocannabinol or frequently called THC. This chemical component is what causes the actual “high” you feel when you use marijuana. THC is released by cooking, smoking, and scientifically extracting this plant. This specific chemical is the powerhouse of the plant. It can increase your appetite, which is a great benefit to cancer and AIDS patients. It promotes relaxation by binding with the receptors in your central nervous system. Cannabis also binds to the immune system and can create a relaxing and calming sensation. THC has been shown to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s. This can improve the user’s mental state and clarity. THC can possibly slow the formation of the brain cells associated with Alzheimer’s by blocking certain enzymes in the brain. Anybody that has known a family member inflicted with this debilitating illness knows the wide spread affect it has. Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s doesn’t just help the patient, but their family too. Multiple sclerosis is a very painful condition that affects a person’s nerves, muscles, immune system, and overall quality of life. THC helps bind receptors resulting in significant decrease in pain.

Another chemical in the plant is Cannabichromene or CBC. This chemical component has anti-inflammatory agents and can potentially stop a tumor’s growth. Research suggests, that CBC may help fight breast cancer as well.

An additional chemical is Cannabidiol or CBD. This chemical has anti-anxiety properties. CBD can help with brain growth. This chemical compound is another reason that the plant is used to help with Alzheimer’s disease. Inducing the growth of neural cells helps maintain concentration, memory, and learning. This chemical compound also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can help fight against E. coli, staph infections, and MRSA. This is the chemical that has been thought to stop seizures and tremors right in their tracks. When you watch a video of cannabis stopping a violent grand mal seizure, this is one of the chemicals that is responsible for their miracle relief. Many of us have seen through social media the lifesaving benefit and change that this chemical can do for a person’s life. Seizures are a terrible chronic issue for many. Anti-seizure medications can have terrible side effects and long-term risks are often unknown.

The last chemical is Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid or THCa. This chemical also has anti-inflammatory abilities and has great success helping control muscle spasms and stop seizures. Many patients find this chemical helps with chronic immune disorders and menstrual cramps. THCa can be an effective treatment for appetite loss and nausea. Additionally, there have been studies suggesting it can help with prostate cancer.

You should feel at ease knowing what is in weed and that it has numerous health benefits. We have only begun scratching the surface of the science behind this natural wonder drug. As we learn more about this beautiful plant, natural medicine may evolve beyond our wildest expectations.



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Research Queen

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